Research Expertise to Support Product and Brand Decisions


Mary's experience includes research to support brand and product decisions, including positioning, advertising development, product design and packaging (including theme and inspiration studies), benchmarking, features and technologies, customer service, loyalty programs, logos, website/mobile usability, and facility concepts. 

Qualitative Research


Quantitative Research


Types of Research Expertise

Focus Groups/Triads/IDIs


Having conducted thousands of focus groups/IDIs and trained moderators in the US, China and Europe, we know how to develop rapport with the respondents to get to actionable insights quickly.



Every time I conduct a usability study, it continues to amaze me how simple, small adjustments can make the site so much more user friendly with the end result being a happy customer who can find their needed it on a laptop, tablet or phone.



In ethnography work, observation is just as important as the conversation.  It is not only through asking questions about their lifestyle, but observing and asking key questions based on those observations.

Executive Interviews


Talking with Executives is a unique skill set...knowing how to be respectful of their time and yet get the answer for your client.  We have worked in small to large organizations to understand satisfaction across departments, where they see the future of the company, reasons for workplace dissatisfaction and many other impactful topics.

Brand Trackers


Understanding what others think of your brand relative to the competition is key in propelling your brand forward.  It takes a long time to change brand opinion, so it is important to keep a close eye on the drivers of that opinion.

Satisfaction Surveys


Are your customers satisfied...or not?  Are there certain aspects of your brand/company that are excelling and some that can use work?  Let us help you understand the cause and effect of satisfaction.

MarketPulse Research

In addition to the types of research mentioned above, I am also a partner at MarketPulse Research, a full service research supplier.  We are known for conducting large scale automotive clinics.  Please see the link below.

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